I know that these upcoming weeks aren't looking too exciting for most of you. In fact, I am sure that if you are a college student, the busiest part of your semester is beginning, or maybe you are in the midst of the most demanding storm yet.
I read the book of Job last week, and it surprisingly--but sure not coincidentally--helped me put this week into perspective. I, like you, have an insane two weeks. I even sit here now putting off a presentation and an exam, both unfinished and taking place tomorrow. But, strangely enough, I am currently so at peace and so calm, because I think of Job.
Granted, I realize the college final exam week does not compare to the sheer disaster Job had to endure. While we have fast approaching deadlines and impossible time lines, Job had no family and essentially nothing to live for. There, honestly, is no comparison. But, the mental stress and exhaustion is still present. And the need to rely on God is still as necessary.
“But God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through.” - Francis Chan
We aren't called to be comfortable. Everything is not supposed to play out perfectly, and it never will. So don't expect it to. We are called to be put in situations where we will fail if God doesn't help us.
If it was up to me, I would sacrifice my grades for comfort. I would sleep instead of staying up late to get in some last minute studying. I would watch TV because it is more fun then memorizing lists definitions. I would hang out with my friends rather than sit alone in a study room because I love people. If it were up to me, I would be comfortable.
Think of Job. Although he had nothing going for him, and people telling all of these wrong things. He tried his hardest to understand what was going on. He refused to curse God, even though he was encouraged by his wife to do so. And in the end, he was blessed because he stood for God, even when he complained, because that is what he is called to do.
Now, you are probably thinking, what does this have to do with me and my horrible, awful finals week?
Think about it. Like Job, you have people telling you wrong things--like skipping a few hours of studying to hang out with them. Like Job, you probably have people pressuring you to do the wrong thing--like not studying and accept a lower grade. Like Job, you are confused--wondering why you have such a horrible exam schedule. Like Job, you are tired and hurting--your stress, lack of sleep, and overall exhaustion just makes for a very unhappy college student.
Now, here is the real question. Like Job, are you leaning on God?
“When I am consumed by my problems-stressed out about my life, my family, and my job-I actually convey the belief that I think the circumstances are more important than God's command to always rejoice.” - Francis Chan
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice.” Philippians 4:4
Think about that. Have you begun to put your due dates and exams schedule before the command to rejoice? I know for a fact I have. Have you convinced yourself that being consumed by your problems is a legitimate excuse to forget that God is still there? I know I have.
Actually, I know for a fact that if if God didn't graciously bless me with the energy, mental determination, and overall desire, I would literally fail these exams.
After looking back on what I read in Job, and looking forward to the hectic two weeks I have in front of me, I realized I was missing something. God. So I asked, and I received, and now I am peaceful. Yes, I am stressed, but I am not unhappy.
So here is what I suggest.
Relax. And just talk with God a little bit.
Tell him how stressed you are. Tell him how much you love him. Tell him that you are confused, and that's okay.
Then, take a break. Drink some coffee. Dance around in your underwear to Call Me Maybe. Call your Mom. Read a Psalms.
Study some more. If you feel stressed, read another Psalms. Then talk to God again.
Don't be afraid to eat junk food, and bring a sleeping back to Starbucks.
It will be okay, I promise.
Lean on God, he has your back.
So here is what I suggest.
Relax. And just talk with God a little bit.
Tell him how stressed you are. Tell him how much you love him. Tell him that you are confused, and that's okay.
Then, take a break. Drink some coffee. Dance around in your underwear to Call Me Maybe. Call your Mom. Read a Psalms.
Study some more. If you feel stressed, read another Psalms. Then talk to God again.
Don't be afraid to eat junk food, and bring a sleeping back to Starbucks.
It will be okay, I promise.
Lean on God, he has your back.