

As sad as it may seem to day, it is a rare and beautiful moment when you can say that you have a genuine fun and relaxing time with your family. Things always seem to get in the way of our various attempts, whether it is school, paychecks, job requirements, gossip from friends. You know, the basic stresses of a typical day with the people you love the most. 

But, I can honestly say that going to the Phillies game last night was one of those times. Not that I don't always have fun times with my Mom, Stepdad, and Max, but when we are close to home, we always seem to get interrupted. Work calls. Max is on the Xbox with friends. Someone is complaining. The other is lost in conversation with a random aunt or uncle. It is rarely ever simply peaceful.

Last night, we all ate crab fries and explored the Xfinity center. We laughed at the man in front of us because he had a unique laugh. We compared colleges and debated which one of the cousins had the best food at school. We ate hotdogs the size of our face, and pretzels with more salt than the Dead Sea. We watched the fireworks afterwards and tried to predict when the finale was going to start.

It was just simple fun. With family. 

When was the last time you and your family just had simple fun? With no distractions, expectations, or stresses added in the mix?


Sunday Funday

Here's to another Sunday Funday post!

Actually, I had a pretty fantastic week, if I do say so myself.

On Monday, I spent almost all night with my brother and cousins on the boat once I got off work that morning. The only reason I posted this picture is because it perfectly describes my brother and I's relationship. He is being annoying, and I am being obnoxious--so therefore I hit him.

On Tuesday, I had a lovely day off jetskiing and beachin it with Megan, Fenwick Island style. Oh, and we made it to the West Ocean City Chick-fil-a only a few minutes before they stopped serving breakfast. Can we say, HECK TO THE YES?!

That same night I was reunited with my long lost friend Daisy. We sat in Panera Bread for a good two hours, and then in Starbucks for another half hour, just catching up. And somehow, we ended up in Kohl's. Now, I am not much of a shopper mainly because I hate spending money, but boy oh boy, did I go all out. Okay, well not really. They were having an awesome sale, and only spend $50 on 4 sweaters, a jacket and two scarves. Almost everything was under five bucks.

Nothing really excited happened the rest of the week. I just worked a lot (big surprise there). But I did manage to have a fun night-swimming adventure with Kelsey, Abi and Maggie, complete with late night pancakes and That 70's Show.

In other random news, we started a game of Assassins at work today. I have my target--and no I am not telling who they are. All I know is, I have to find her away from work, and kill her with water gun in five days or I'm out. I'm trying to get creative. And a second random note, I finished the first book of Harry Potter, and now I am in the middle of the second one. I'm trying to get through all of them this summer.

And, that's all I have. So, yay for Sunday Funday and...... the end.


Sunday Funday

First, enjoy another hilarious picture from the Hey Christian Girl blog.


I've come to the realization that this little blog of mine get neglected. And, in all honesty, I really need some way to keep myself writing, because it is one of the few ways that I do, in fact, keep my self mentally and emotionally sane.

So, here's to another little experiment (one of many that I have tried to maintain on this blog), so a weekly post that I have to cliché-ly entitled Sunday Funday. I didn't really feel like putting much thought into a weekly post, so if you have something that is much more creative and catchy, please tell me.

Anyways, the point fo Sunday Fundays: just to reflect on the past week and give light to any random thoughts from the week.

So here go;

Well, first and foremost, happy Father's Day! I am blessed beyond measure to have two wonderful father-figures in my life: my dad and my stepdad. And I am even more blessed to have a heavenly Father!

Although, in the restaurant business, Father's Day morning has to be one of my least favorite days of the summer. Gobs of people just keep walking through the door, and there simply is not enough man power in the kitchen to keep up with the 18 orders being printed out. Insanity, I tell you. Pure insanity. I feel like a headless chicken every Father's Day morning because if I am not getting drinks or running food, I am searching for stolen toast, apologizing for the time-consuming omelettes, or heating coffee in the microwave because it isn't hot enough. Needless to say, I took a nice 2 hours nap in between shifts today.

But I can't say that the rest of my week has been too interesting. I mean, yes, it was very productive. My oil is changed and a new bank account is opened. I am almost done re-reading the first Harry Potter. I spent some nice hours on the beach. I successfully located the new Panera Bread in Rehoboth (I was dumb and couldn't find it). I baked awesome tie-dye cakes for Connor (14) and Jared's (12) birthdays this week. I learned three new songs my guitar. And, I bought the new Ed Sheeran Album. All is good, but I still have a lot I need slash want to do.

Oh! And I had a small adventure. I tried soft crabs for the first time. They aren't my favorite, but, I can say that I tried.

Got a lot to look forward to this week though! Boating, jet-skiing, Chick-fil-a, hanging out with Daisy, and finally starting the online women's Bible Study called Stress Point.

Well, I have another 7:30 a.m. shift tomorrow and then I'm off to the boat with my lovely cousins. Adios chicos!


"Introverts, in contrast, may have strong social skills and enjoy parties and business meetings, but after a while wish they were home in their pajamas. They prefer to devote their social energies to close friends, colleagues, and family. They listen more than they talk, think before they speak, and often feel as if they express themselves better in writing than in conversation..." - S.C. Quiet


There is one specific quote that I can not seem to get out of my head lately.

As spoken by the ever so wonderful Francis Chan, "But God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through.”

I admit it: comfortability--if that is even a word--is something that continuously I struggle with. The feeling of "being comfortable" is something that has been bred into our teensie-weensie American minds as not only appealing, but desirable. It is dream of most people to live a leisurely and "comfortable" lifestyle. And this definition of comfortable is one that includes money, privilege, and accessories.

But honestly, the more and more I read the good book that is my God's word, the more I see this large clashing of ideals, and the more I start questioning my own source of comfort.

I could easily write a lengthy list of "items" that make me feel comfortable on this Earth.

Paychecks. Large pillows. Dogs. My favorite television show. Beach days. Heart-to-hearts with friends. My laptop. Driving in my car.

But here is the issue with that list: they are temporary, and it creates such instability and such a roller-coaster of emotion.

When my paycheck is a lot smaller than expected. When my favorite television series ends. When it is too cold to go the beach. When I get into arguments with my friends. When my car breaks down. When my laptop dies.

In an instant, my comfort disappears.

God is called, out of many different names, our Comforter. And that is no small task, because we have been taught to transfer our comfort on such superficial ideals, that God is kicking and screaming in the background saying, "You really don't need all that! I have your back! Trust me, you can be comfortable with me!"

In Luke 12, Jesus is speaking to the crowds, and one man comes up out of the crowd and asks Jesus to intervene for him, and tell his brother to split his inheritance with him. Jesus replies with a parable, and says, "This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God." Further down, Jesus is giving more commandments to his disciples and orders them, "Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Do you see? The fact that we are not basing our comfort in God is not the main issue here. Yes, it is an issue, but not the most monumental one.

No, the fact that we base our sense of comfort in worldly items and ideals is a problem because it proves our heart does not truly long for Jesus. Our desire to want "things" proves that our heart is grounded in those "things" and not our true Comforter.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Luke 12:34)" Does that sting you a little bit, like it does me?

Where is my treasure? My family. My job. My friendships. My bank account.

I have stored so many "treasures" in these places that I have lost the treasure I once placed in God's hands.

I base my comfort on things that will fail me over and over again, yet God is still clinging onto those last few treasures I gave him. And he is screaming my name to give my treasures back to Him, in a place where they will not wear, tear, or damage. At all.