"Are your prayers a dialogue, or a monologue?"
That question kind was one of those questions that made me shut up. I thought I had an answer, but as soon as I opened my mouth, I immediately retracted it. Because, I knew, regardless of the amount of denial I buried my self in, that I am such a monologue-er (and yes, I just made up a word).
No relationship can ever prosper when it is one-sided. None. Never. Ever.
So, I'm not sure why it never really occurred to me that my relationship with God would be any different.
I feel into this pattern of only praying about prayer requests I heard through out the week, or about my personal stress or anxiety. But never once do I leave room in my prayers for a response.
I am not the best actor, so I'm not sure why I thought it was okay to be spewing out monologues all of the time.
There's my short, tid-bit of a thought for today.