
La Musica.

Do you know what I love? Music. 

I may not be the next Mozart of composing. The next Zeppelin of guitar. Or the next Bieber of fangirl obsession. But, that doesn't mean I can experience the whirlwind that is good music.

And, as much as I can be a fangirl myself, there is nothing more fun than seeing one of your favorite artists sing live.

Thanks to one of closest friends and sorority sisters, I had the chance to see Tyler Ward live. I discovered him about four years ago, when he was just doing minuscule covers on Youtube in his parent's basement with only a few hundred subscribers. Now, he has his own recording studio, hundreds of thousands of subscribers, several original albums, and has been on tour several times. I only loved him even more when I realized he is Christian, and loves to use his music as way to tell people about Christ.

There were two parts of the entire night that I enjoyed. The fact that I was literally three feet away from him during the entire concert, and the fact that he sang happy birthday to me.

Now, I can't get his music out my head. I keep playing his songs over and over and over and over again. But, hey, it could be worse. It actually kind of helps with this whole finals-week-stress thing going on.


Thank you.

Although it's probably the most disgusting picture ever, I'd say it sums up my night pretty well: IVs, tears, and a very broken elbow. And surprisingly some smiles here and there.

Dear Kirsten and Hannah,

I wanted to personally thank you for everything you did for me this weekend. For a girl who has never broken a bone, been punctured with an IV, or even spent more than a couple hours in an Emergency room, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't extremely scared the whole night. As if seeing my elbow protrude sideways wasn't enough of a shock, being told I needed metal put in my arm was the icing on the cake. But knowing I had you two there--to stalk down the nurse for pain meds, constantly check to see if my fingers had feeling, or calm me down every time I freaked out--made a bad experience into a semi-manageable one. Plus, if wasn't for you two, there wouldn't be a list on record of embarrassing things I said while under extreme pain meds. And, Hannah, I'm sorry if loud screams as they reset my bone scarred you for life. That was unintentional.  My mom gets teary eyed when she starts talking about how thankful she is for you two.

Dear Roomies,

Thank you for sacrificing your time and perfect driving record to get me prepared for the hospital. Love more than my ukulele!

Dear SAO,

Even though you all couldn't come to UVA, your endless love and excessive picture taking kept me in a good mood and very calm. Humor and peace were something I desperately needed.

Dear Andy,

I can't thank you enough for donating your apartment to 2 exhausted girls and 1 pathetically incompetent girl for the night. Sacrificing your self to the floor to let me sleep in a bed was incredibly kind and humble.


I Don't Like it.

It makes me sad to see how mean some people have gotten over the election results!

I'll be blatantly honest here: I didn't vote. And it was not because I don't have an opinion. I do. But it was because I am highly uneducated when it comes to politics. I've tried. I watched the debates and have read the fact-checkers. And, come on: I'm a journalism major. Half of the stuff I've been required to do this semester involved political journalism, political opinion columns, and researching political issues. But, the problem is--although I know whether each candidate is pro or con on a certain situation--I don't understand the situation they are talking about. Public policies, laws, health care, and international relations? It all sounds like jargon to me. And no matter how much I read, I haven't gotten to the point where I truly understand the nitty-gritty of what they're talking about. I get the big picture of most things, but I can't validate my knowledge enough to say that I'm educated voter.

So, long story short, I would feel like a hypocrite if I voted on things that I didn't fully understand, and didn't have much of an opinion on the election to begin with.

Honestly, I only have one thought about the whole thing. 

1 Peter 2:13-17 "Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves. Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor."

Guys, the truth is, that whether you wanted Obama or Romney to win, it really doesn't matter. Relatively, yes, your opinion is important to America's democracy. But, relatively, your opinion is a dust-mite to God's. He has a plan ya'll! Whether you agree with it or not, Obama is in office and there isn't much else that you can do about it. 

Obama supporters are rubbing it in Romney supporters faces. I've seen some people call Romney supporters UnAmerican, ignorant, Bible-thumping pricks, prejudice, and judgmental. 

Meanwhile, Romney supporters are deeming this as the end of the world. Calling Obama supporters as failures to this country, lazy, or only voting due to the color of Obama's skin. And, half of Romney supports claim they are leaving the country?

(Disclaimer: I realize this isn't true for every Obama or Romney supporter! A lot people have been really nice and respectful!)

And then you have all these people suddenly expressing "I'm using my First Amendment Freedom" claims when they post something that they know will spark an argument. Helllllooooo: The First Amendment was designed to protect our Freedoms, prevent oppression, and allow room for change. It was not designed to be a tool to use to cover up our butts when we want to start an argument. 

It really doesn't matter who I support, the fact of the matter is that it's sad. Honestly, I have lost respect for some of the people I care most about. They've turned so mean! Seriously: I've read some of the biggest low-blows I have ever seen in my life. 

I'm sure some of you seasoned voters are reading this and thinking that "Oh, she just doesn't know how to handle the voter split. It's her first election and her first time really experiencing this." And, yes, that may be true.

But, I still don't like it. 

Let's not forget: "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love" (1 Cor 13:13). 

Love comes first. I hate seeing my friends judge each other and, essentially, tear each other apart. I hate watching people calling each other incompetent. And I hate seeing people doubt God's ability to lead us.

I, just.....am really bummed about this whole situation. Not the results, but the reaction.

Let's think about this:

I know this post probably is no different from half of the rants you have read, but I still felt the need to write it out. Writing makes me feel better.

Alright.... end rant.

***I would like to add another comment on to the original blog post in response to some of the comments I've received or have seen. Judge or criticize my walk with Christ how ever you want. I would like to offer a comment in my defense: I do not support a lot of things that Obama stands for. And I don't support a lot of things that Romney stands for either. And, regardless of who won office, I told myself early on that I would roll with it and respond respectively; and that is done through praying for our leader and living daily for Christ as an individual. I plan on working from the bottom up and touching people in my own life with Christ's love. That, in my opinion, is the only way this country will change positively  Change will not happen by placing the blame on one singular person or leader. Change happens by placing the blame on ourselves. If we start small with the areas within our direct influence, the effect will be great.

All I have to say is this: I honestly don't care who the president is because I only will ever submit to one Authority.


Help Me Out?

Hey ya'll! Help a sister out and visit http://hburgstaycations.blogspot.com

It's for a class! It's still developing a little bit, so expect some changes...but in the meantime.....

Go! Read, comment, take the poll, etc etc.

Even if you aren't in the HBurg area, still read.

Thank you!

Stuck in My Head.


J. M. U Wish You Were A Duke Dog.

As mentioned a previous post, we had quite the eventful Homecoming weekend. So, here are some pictures! All of them are from the lovely Hannah :)

For our alumni event, I organized a Minute-to-Win-It Competition. I didn't participate because I was leading it but that doesn't compensate for the fact that I was crying from laughter. I got some pretty fantastic pictures.

Round One: Transferring a can with a piece of spagetti from one table to another, using only your mouth.

Round Two: Sticking a cookie on your forehead head, and trying to slide it into your mouth without your hands. 

Round Three: Using two pencils "walrus style" to stack three marshmallows.

Final Round: The last two contestants standing had to get 8 balls out of a tissue box by only shaking their butt. Yes, you read that right.

In case you were curious, Stephanie reigned victorious!

And here are some more lovely and random shots of the Homecoming game.

There was a lot of screaming and overall weirdness.

Aren't our candidates just plain stinkin' adorable?

There were a lot of cowboy boots.

There was quite a lot of land-sharking.

And of course, a lot of photo-bombing.

If there is one thing I have learned in college, it is this: awkwardness ain't always a bad thing.


“No, no! The adventures first, explanations take such a dreadful time.” 
― Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass

I like the fact that I can't explain my life, or the reasons behind my plans. 

It's true. There is a spark of beauty in a spontaneous adventure.

Like today.

Okay, so it wasn't one of those finding-hidden-treasure-and-saving-the-damsel-in-distress type of adventures. But, it was one of those we-are-here-anyway-so-lets-find-something-to-do kind of adventures.

Surprise: I've actually found a good breakfast spot here in Harrisonburg. I'll admit, I painfully miss the comfort food breakfast of OVD and Jimmy's. And, I am kind of critical to any other breakfast places I eat at. But, the Little Grill Collective gets two thumbs up from me. And if I could give it three thumbs, I would. Heck, I would give it four if that was anatomically possible.

Their pancake flavor of the month was Spiced Chai. Excuse me? I about died, because on of my favorite hot drinks is Chai Tea, so of course I had to have the chai pancakes. But not only was my favorite drink reincarnated into a breakfast platter, but I got a side of home fries too. When I ordered, the waitress asked if I wanted "regular" or "hot." 

I let her chose for me, and she chose hot. And, boy, was in for a surprise. They were Old Bay potatoes! I'm not really sure why that is classified as "hot," but whatever. I was still giddy as a four year old, because I'm mildly obsessed with anything Old Bay related. Needless to say, Emily and I thoroughly enjoyed our Little Grill Collective date this morning. 

From there, I was supposed to go apple picking. But, we drove thirty minutes to Broadway, VA only to find that the self-pick season had ceased for the year. So, we turned an apple-picking day into randomly wandering through an unknown town day. 

We wondered through a craft store, and I seriously contemplated purchasing a gold fish. But, I rethought that and deemed it as an impulse purchase. 

But, we went Yesteryear. It was this classic little country shop owned and operated by the nicest lady. I can't recall her name. But I do know she has two kids, who both did Young Life. She is the director, president, and treasurer of the local hometown partnership. And she thought Lauren, Ginger, Rachel and I were seniors in High School. She showed us around the store, explaining where each piece being sold was created. I decided to purchase a mug. It's made by a local potter, and I had to buy it. The poor thing has a large crack down the side and it was screaming for a home. It's character outweighed it's functionality, so it was necessary to buy.

Do you see the cute little crack my mug has? I think it's cute.

Our new friend handed me a tourism guide of Broadway--a publication guide that she had made. And she told us about all of the other stores around main street. We looked it over and chose Plan B.

Plan B is another new favorite find of mine. It was quite a charismatic little coffee shop. Their mugs were made from the same potter that had made the mug I purchased only seconds before. They had a fire place in the corner that made it smell like a campfire.

There were only two people working. One of them was the one of two owners, Lisa. Of course, I ordered a Chai Tea Latte. My new friend Lisa told me about their chai: looseleaf, all natural, and unsweetened. It. Was. Delicious. Lisa even suggested some honey for it, so I agreed. She was right. Honey was the icing on the cake.

We sat and chatted for at least a half hour until we decided it was time head home.

I like little adventures. And buying cool misfit mugs. And meeting new people.

I like little adventures that I can't explain.


Sorry for the Absence

I apologize for my lack of blog postings. Actually, the only person I am really apologizing to is myself, because I don't think many people read this little writing outlet of mine except my family. (Hi Mom!)

But, fear not. I haven't gone hiatus in every aspect of my life. 

We had a quite a rendezvous with some our alum and candidates this past weekend. It was homecoming, and it was the first game I had been to in a while. So, I was pretty pumped. There are pictures from the actual event, but I will wait until the lovely Hannah decides to reveal those. 

Also, I got a new job that I'm pretty stoked about. So, if any TADers happen to be reading this, thank you!

But, alas. It's a Friday night, I have ions of laundry and homework to tackle. So, here's to hoping your weekend will be a little more exciting than mine:

Yes, it's an awkward picture, I know. But it really captures my enthusiasm, don't you think?


"Are your prayers a dialogue, or a monologue?"

That question kind was one of those questions that made me shut up. I thought I had an answer, but as soon as I opened my mouth, I immediately retracted it. Because, I knew, regardless of the amount of denial I buried my self in, that I am such a monologue-er (and yes, I just made up a word).

No relationship can ever prosper when it is one-sided. None. Never. Ever.

So, I'm not sure why it never really occurred to me that my relationship with God would be any different.

I feel into this pattern of only praying about prayer requests I heard through out the week, or about my personal stress or anxiety. But never once do I leave room in my prayers for a response.

I am not the best actor, so I'm not sure why I thought it was okay to be spewing out monologues all of the time. 

There's my short, tid-bit of a thought for today. 



(From left to right: My little, Emily. Me. My other little, Lauren. And my grand-little, who's name is also Lauren.)

I think that I will ultimately miss one thing about JMU when I graduate in about a year and a half: sisterhood. The friendships I have made here are eternal and still growing. I can't wait to see what is in store for my friendships while I am still here. But I will be so extensively heartbroken when they aren't going to exist in my everyday life as a "real adult." Sigh.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10:"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!"


God is love?

Language fascinates me.

When I say the word "blue," what do you think of? Well, I would assume that you would think of the color. But, that single word does not encposs every capacity of that color. There are light blues, dark blues, aqua blues, robins-egg blue--I could continue on forever. That single words shares an understanding, but does not hold a particular meaning.

Meanwhile, through the Russian langauge, a difference is regonized. "Goluboy" means light blue. "Siniy" means dark blue. So, when they say those colors, there is an even more condenscesed and concrete meaning behind it.

This sort of relationship between langauge and understanding is visible everywhere. All the time.

If I said "dog," do you think of a golden retriever puppy, or a yappy Chihuahua? Again, a general understanding, but not a mutual one.

If I said "rain," do you think of a single rain drop, or an intense thunderstorm?

Language is just as much a necessary tool, as it is a hinderence. Sometimes a lack of words causes the goal to come to a mutual understanding to become impossible. Sometimes no amount of language will help someone understand what you are talking about.

It is a fact: words will never truly encompass everything that needs to be said. There will almost always be at least a small difference in understanding.

Regardless of how much you describe your pain, your doctor will never truly understand what you are feeling, unless he were to physically feel the pain himself.

Regardless of how well you describe the visual scenes in a movie you saw on Friday night, your friend (who hasn't seen the movie) will not be imagining the same image in their mind, until they physically see the movie themselves.

Regardless of how descriptive you are about the taste of Vegemite, no one truly undersands it until it touches their tastebuds.

Language is needed. But language is limited.

Recognizing this, I look at the verse 1 John 4:8 "Whoever does not love, does not know God. God is love."

Let's think about this for a second. God is love. God is love?

What does "love" mean to you? What does the physical word "love" represent for human beings?

To me, it means many things: caring, compassion, friendship, empathy, etc. You know, all the cliche definitions of love.

But, let's think about it this way. What does the physical word "love" represent to God?

I have no idea. God's langauge and the English language are so vastly different, that the possibility of us TRULY understanding God's love is slim to none.

God has so much love. It is more love than we could ever comprehend in our itty-bitty human minds. God had to shrink down the understaning of his capacity to such a tiny little word in order to give us humans even an elementary understanding: "love." Can the actual word "love" really represent everything God has to offer?

Of course not. The reality of the vastness of his love can not possibly be represented in the English word "love."

I have no idea if this post is making any sense at all, but I hope it resonates with you a little bit, like it has with me. I've been thinking a lot about this lately. Mainly because I am learning about the foundations and use of language in my classes, and I can't help but think about how relevant it is with the language between us and Him.


I think one of my biggest flaws in my independence. Yet, it is one of my biggest strengths.

Confusing, I know. It is a contradicting concept for me too.

I have this notion embedded in my brain--somewhere deep down and hard to find--that doing things on my own terms is the most beneficial way to approach things. And yes, I am that girl that just silently takes on the responsibility to do everything on my own in a group project. But, I mean, is that really okay?

Is it okay to assert my independence to the point where I completely shun any assistance at all?

Independent woman = cool beans. Independence dependent woman = not so cool beans.

Does that make any sense at all?

I have become so dependent on my independence that I essentially lack any room to let other people in.

My dependence on maintaining my independence is something that I have recently become painfully aware of, and it is something that I am longing to change.

I don't want to be THAT girl that can't ask for help. I don't want to be THAT girl that can't appreciate the assistance offered by the people I am closest too. And I most certainly don't want to be THAT girl that offends other people with my independence.

Alright, Taylor. Let's work on this. Starting now.



I've been obsessed with the following:

1. Anthem Lights (a.k.a. cute singing Christian guys. Enough said.)

2. My wonderfully goofy sisters:

3. This classic throwback:

4.  And this song that I forgot existed, but is one of my absolute favorites:



I did a mud run last year and I had oodles of fun. So I was really sad when I had to miss the one they were having at home. 

But family did it, so I figured that I would at least do the honor of letting the entire internet look at their lovely, muddy faces.

They stayed relatively clean for a little bit.

I would like to point out how beast my littlest brother, Bear, is. Seriously. Look at him. Half of these obstacles are as tall as he is, or require steps larger than his legs. Props, little man. 

This is Conman's track-star face.

Again, Bear is walking in mud that comes up to his waist and chest. Shew.

Victory! Mmm, I'm sure that tastes absolutely delicious.


It's Love.

And just one more thing I needed to share. Are these not the most awesome shoes you have ever seen? I am simultaneously providing a small child with shoes and showing my Duke Dog pride. Oh. Yes. AWE to the SOME.

I'm So Nature-y.

Like most other things in my life, I tend to have moments of "OH MY GOSH I LOVE BLOGGING" to moments of "Eh, I have nothing to say." So, I apologize for being absent, if anyone actually reads this little bloggy of mine.

Updates? I. AM. BACK. AT. SCHOOL. And I am so happy. Delaware is, just, not where I fit in. Yes,  it is my home. And yes, I love it. But it is not somewhere that I feel like I truly have a "place" or a "purpose." I am one of those people who needs to be doing something all of the time, and whatever I am doing needs to have a legitimate purpose. And sorry to say, but serving at a local family restaurant every day doesn't really do much for me.

Do you want to know the coolest thing I have done since being back at school? Hiking to a waterfall. The picture doesn't do it justice. It was bigger and prettier, and there was a river flowing beneath me at the bottom of the large rock I am standing on in this picture. It was simply beautiful (regardless of the three mile hike and pouring rain).

I, just, really had a lot of fun. (P.S. Photo credit goes to my lovely roomie Rachel).


My Home.

Out of the many reasons that I love where I live, here are some more. Just in case I haven't given you enough already.