So, long story short, I would feel like a hypocrite if I voted on things that I didn't fully understand, and didn't have much of an opinion on the election to begin with.
Honestly, I only have one thought about the whole thing.
1 Peter 2:13-17 "Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves. Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor."
Guys, the truth is, that whether you wanted Obama or Romney to win, it really doesn't matter. Relatively, yes, your opinion is important to America's democracy. But, relatively, your opinion is a dust-mite to God's. He has a plan ya'll! Whether you agree with it or not, Obama is in office and there isn't much else that you can do about it.
Obama supporters are rubbing it in Romney supporters faces. I've seen some people call Romney supporters UnAmerican, ignorant, Bible-thumping pricks, prejudice, and judgmental.
Meanwhile, Romney supporters are deeming this as the end of the world. Calling Obama supporters as failures to this country, lazy, or only voting due to the color of Obama's skin. And, half of Romney supports claim they are leaving the country?
(Disclaimer: I realize this isn't true for every Obama or Romney supporter! A lot people have been really nice and respectful!)
And then you have all these people suddenly expressing "I'm using my First Amendment Freedom" claims when they post something that they know will spark an argument. Helllllooooo: The First Amendment was designed to protect our Freedoms, prevent oppression, and allow room for change. It was not designed to be a tool to use to cover up our butts when we want to start an argument.
It really doesn't matter who I support, the fact of the matter is that it's sad. Honestly, I have lost respect for some of the people I care most about. They've turned so mean! Seriously: I've read some of the biggest low-blows I have ever seen in my life.
I'm sure some of you seasoned voters are reading this and thinking that "Oh, she just doesn't know how to handle the voter split. It's her first election and her first time really experiencing this." And, yes, that may be true.
But, I still don't like it.
Let's not forget: "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love" (1 Cor 13:13).
Love comes first. I hate seeing my friends judge each other and, essentially, tear each other apart. I hate watching people calling each other incompetent. And I hate seeing people doubt God's ability to lead us.
I, just.....am really bummed about this whole situation. Not the results, but the reaction.
Let's think about this:
- Do you support Obama? Cool. Just don't boast or brag about the fact that "you were right." (James 4:16)
- Do you support Romney? Cool. But let's be level headed and use wise words here. (Ephesians 4:29)
- Don't forget about love and respect (1 Corinthians 12:4-13)
- Are you angry? (Ecc. 7:9, Ephesians 4:26)
- Recognize there is difference between not supporting something and being plain hateful. (Romans 12:9-13, James 3:17)
- Don't argue. (Ephesians 4:32)
- If you must discuss, use nice words! (Colossians 3:8)
- Trust God! (1 Peter 2:13-17, Romans 13:1)
- And, just a final thought. (Titus 3:1-2)
I know this post probably is no different from half of the rants you have read, but I still felt the need to write it out. Writing makes me feel better.
Alright.... end rant.
***I would like to add another comment on to the original blog post in response to some of the comments I've received or have seen. Judge or criticize my walk with Christ how ever you want. I would like to offer a comment in my defense: I do not support a lot of things that Obama stands for. And I don't support a lot of things that Romney stands for either. And, regardless of who won office, I told myself early on that I would roll with it and respond respectively; and that is done through praying for our leader and living daily for Christ as an individual. I plan on working from the bottom up and touching people in my own life with Christ's love. That, in my opinion, is the only way this country will change positively Change will not happen by placing the blame on one singular person or leader. Change happens by placing the blame on ourselves. If we start small with the areas within our direct influence, the effect will be great.
***I would like to add another comment on to the original blog post in response to some of the comments I've received or have seen. Judge or criticize my walk with Christ how ever you want. I would like to offer a comment in my defense: I do not support a lot of things that Obama stands for. And I don't support a lot of things that Romney stands for either. And, regardless of who won office, I told myself early on that I would roll with it and respond respectively; and that is done through praying for our leader and living daily for Christ as an individual. I plan on working from the bottom up and touching people in my own life with Christ's love. That, in my opinion, is the only way this country will change positively Change will not happen by placing the blame on one singular person or leader. Change happens by placing the blame on ourselves. If we start small with the areas within our direct influence, the effect will be great.
All I have to say is this: I honestly don't care who the president is because I only will ever submit to one Authority.
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