
10 Things I've Learned About Myself in the Past Week

Even in the most boring of weeks, you can learn a lot about yourself.

1. I need to travel.
I have an annoying itch to always be moving, to be interacting, and to be somewhere other than in the same place I was an hour ago. I get much more joy belting out cheesy pop songs in a five hour drive on a Friday night than I do simply watching a movie in my living room.

2. Big dogs are a must for me.
Whoever voiced that cats are better are seriously mistaken. And, I get no enjoyment out of dogs that look like rats, or are the size of cats. Big dogs for me, everyone. Big dogs.

3. Technology and I are in a love hate relationship.
As much time as I spend play Draw Something, chatting on Facebook, or looking at my Twitter timeline, I secretly wish I could deactivate all of them without so much as a small addictive urge to use them again. Seriously, I'd rather be outside on the Quad, or reading a book by famous authors I have yet to experience.

4. I love my major.
I have no idea why I came to JMU as a Chemistry major. I must have been in a minor coma, because I am literally in love with my Media Arts classes.

5. I am oddly at peace with the future.
On one hand, it is scary. On the other, I could care less. I don't want to get married for a long time, and I have will have a degree I love. So, the options are endless.

6. I want to be a missionary.
And not a week or two volunteer trip. No, I want to leave this country for a year or two to live in a third world country and live among those who are happier, yet not as privileged, as I am.

7. That "special someone" does not exist for me yet.
I am in no mood to search, and he sure as anything is not in my life yet.

8. I love guys with brown curly hair, Irish accents, and strong shoulders. Or all three.
That one is self explanatory.

9. I feel out of place.
Although I love where I am right now, I know for a fact it is not where I am supposed to end up. I will forever be searching until I feel like I fit the puzzle.

10. Music is the best therapist.
I really need to learn to just start singing whenever I feel lousy, because it cures the blues every single time.


Spring Break 2012

I feel like I am due for a very long blog post here. First of all, today is my last day of Spring Break, and let me just say, this has been one of best spring breaks I've ever had. But that is not including the cruise I went on two years ago, because that was pretty awesome too.

I originally planned to spend a few days with Rachel and wander around DC, then go to Jenn's to wander around NYC, and then drive down to visit Kaitlin and Mike in their new apartment in North Carolina. However, a few weeks ago, I had to deal with some credit card fraud, and ended up having to come home to get my new card. So, I ended up only going to NYC and DC. I was bummed, but hey, at least I go to see this pretty boys (above) face and got to see my brother play in a soccer tournament. 

On Monday night, I drove to Rachel's and spend the night, and we left first thing in the morning to head to Jenn's house. Hannah met us at Rachel's house too! Before we left, I remembered I needed some money for tolls, so I went to local ATM to get cash off my card--and, it didn't work. The original pin was not transferred to the new card number like I requested. I called the bank right then, but they couldn't do anything about it, so I had to find a branch. That took two hours, and even though we left Rachel's house at 11:30, we didn't actually get more than thirty minutes away until about 1:30. Story of my life.


I've Got It.

By golly I've got it!
I know how to make the perfect guy.