
Taylor and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week

This week has had a very reoccurring theme: Taylor's own stupidity and lack of a thought process has lead to an unnecessarily annoying week.

First, I lost my keychain with two USB drives on it. Fantastic. So, I got to say good bye to two semesters worth of lecture notes, readings, articles, sorority documents, and my in-progress novel. Yippee.

I missed both the Bachelor and Pretty Little Liars because I was in the library trying to rewrite everything I lost on my USB drives.

I have three exams next week that I am no where near prepared for.

Then, for some strange reason, I am having extreme difficulty when it comes to remembering where I park my car in the morning. My days are so long that, by the time that I am heading back to my car late at night, I realize I am on the opposite side of campus from where I parked my car that morning. Rough.

And to top it all off, Starbucks ceased it's BOGO deal as soon as I wanted coffee. Lame!

Okay, but really; do I not sound like a spoiled brat right now?

Not cool, Taylor. Not cool.

As much as this week has been a little bummy, I've had to tell myself several times to SHUT UP. THIS IS ALL MINUSCULE AND STUPID. Does anyone else find themselves turning into a Negative Nesbit when they happen to wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

I know I do. If I ever start sounding like a fun-sucker, call me out on it.

Instead, let me tell you of somethings I am thankful for this week.

One: I have two jobs with awesome co-workers who deal with my awkwardness and relatively recent disorganization.

Two: I have a community of Christian women that I get to hang out with every day; whether that be for moral support or random giggles.

Three: I feel so good! I've lost weight, almost at 13 pounds I think? And I haven't caught the nasty sinus infection that has been going around (knock on wood).

Fourth:  My Pop-Pop is feeling a bit better!

Fifth: I haven't gotten any less than six hours of sleep a night; hallelujah!

And sixth: I had a good hair day today.

There, that's better. I need to learn to make positive lists more often. And maybe, just maybe, all the negatives will make less of a presence in my silly little mind.

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