
10 Things I've Learned About Myself in the Past Week

Even in the most boring of weeks, you can learn a lot about yourself.

1. I need to travel.
I have an annoying itch to always be moving, to be interacting, and to be somewhere other than in the same place I was an hour ago. I get much more joy belting out cheesy pop songs in a five hour drive on a Friday night than I do simply watching a movie in my living room.

2. Big dogs are a must for me.
Whoever voiced that cats are better are seriously mistaken. And, I get no enjoyment out of dogs that look like rats, or are the size of cats. Big dogs for me, everyone. Big dogs.

3. Technology and I are in a love hate relationship.
As much time as I spend play Draw Something, chatting on Facebook, or looking at my Twitter timeline, I secretly wish I could deactivate all of them without so much as a small addictive urge to use them again. Seriously, I'd rather be outside on the Quad, or reading a book by famous authors I have yet to experience.

4. I love my major.
I have no idea why I came to JMU as a Chemistry major. I must have been in a minor coma, because I am literally in love with my Media Arts classes.

5. I am oddly at peace with the future.
On one hand, it is scary. On the other, I could care less. I don't want to get married for a long time, and I have will have a degree I love. So, the options are endless.

6. I want to be a missionary.
And not a week or two volunteer trip. No, I want to leave this country for a year or two to live in a third world country and live among those who are happier, yet not as privileged, as I am.

7. That "special someone" does not exist for me yet.
I am in no mood to search, and he sure as anything is not in my life yet.

8. I love guys with brown curly hair, Irish accents, and strong shoulders. Or all three.
That one is self explanatory.

9. I feel out of place.
Although I love where I am right now, I know for a fact it is not where I am supposed to end up. I will forever be searching until I feel like I fit the puzzle.

10. Music is the best therapist.
I really need to learn to just start singing whenever I feel lousy, because it cures the blues every single time.


Abby Williams said...

Small dogs rock too. My dog does not look like a rat and is smaller than a cat. I'm just glad my dog doesn't drool all over and shed mounds of hair and take up the whole bed like a big dog hahhaha. Everyone has their opinions.

Taylor said...

I just meant that for me personally, i like big dogs. i didn't mean that applying to every person.

Hannah Aleece Harrison said...

The music comment is point on, and I didn't know you wanted to be a missonary! That's awesome tay!