

Reason #214 that I love JMU: Because school actually becomes MORE entertaining during finals week.

Welp, ladies and gents, there goes another semester. I am three for three in my college career, and it feels rather swell. The only problem now is getting over what has recently been deemed "Tay-Syndrome", also known as, being-bored-with-nothing-to-do blues. I seriously am not the type that can just do nothing. Yes, I know I kind of complain about being so busy and so overwhelmed sometimes, but I really do love it. I need something to do, or something planned, or something to work for, otherwise I just feel lazy and don't get out of bed.

The verdict is looking good. I think I may over come this rare syndrome. Natalie and I were both inflicted this afternoon, only hours after our semester ended. So we decided to get up and do something productive. First, we had a Barnes and Nobles date. Yeah, it sounds weird, but I could literally spend hours in there. And they have coffee! So we sat and talked for a bit in there. Then we took a short stroll around down town, and finally came back to my apartment where we had craft time. We made a few Christmas gifts for a few special people. And I now have a new friend living in my room with me! (Click here to see him!). Isn't he just adorbs? Well, I thought so.

Oh and on a side note, you should look at this blog. It's pretty much what I want to do with my life. Travel, and write about it. And, this girl is doing for a master's degree! Mind = blown.

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